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التدوينات (104)

  • Tips for a daily routine to animate anime clips

    Waking up early to animate anime clips It is important when you are an anime or cartoon artist to wake up early, and the most appropriate time is six in the morning, and before that, sleep early as well. I advise you to follow the following steps: Eat your breakfast quietly, then start working on animating the anime clips Finish the big and difficult tasks first, because your energy diminishes, and you will not be able to complete them later If you feel bored, stop working on the animation, and complete another work Watch a video clip to revive your passion for animation, such as anime, and the method of animation. This will give you motivation to become like them. Extra time to animate anime clips The time in which you do nothing is the time you spend watching TV, sleeping, or sitting idle, and it is one of the most appropriate times that you can use to get moving, instead of wasting time on things that are not useful. The lost time is: Watch TV instead of moving anime clips Watch social networking sites Sleeping a lot Prepare a day in advance in order to animate the anime footage It is important that you prepare and prepare what you want to do tomorrow from today, for example, “I need to edit such and such a scene,” or “correct spelling errors,” or something else, so that when you wake up the next day, you start working on it, without wasting your time searching for something. You want to do it, and you immediately start animating the anime clips Take a break from animating anime It is important to take a break while working, in order to regain your energy. Continuous work on your mind will make you get bored and leave quickly, without accomplishing anything. These are tips on what you can do: Get out of the house and walk for an hour. This will restore your energy again Sit down and have a snack, in a different room, to change the atmosphere a little Drink coffee on the balcony, or while sitting in the lounge Take a walk in the theme park, and get yourself moving Sit with the family and talk to them, this will help you a lot Movement is very important for every painter. Sitting a lot on a computer chair will cause you lower back pain, so exercise or walk outside. Avoid distractions in order to animate anime shots What preoccupies people most nowadays is the phone, with which we waste a lot of valuable time. Imagine if the time you spend daily on the phone is “three hours,” you would be able to complete an entire episode per week of approximately two minutes, so I strongly advise you to keep the phone away from you. While moving, because you will turn to it from time to time, in order to check everything, do the following: Turn off all app notifications, “except family messaging apps” Mute the notification sound, but keep the call sound active, in case you receive a call Postpone viewing notifications until the evening Tell those who know you that you are working on your project at the appointed time, and then they will respect your wish and no one will message you while you are moving. These are easy and simple steps that I apply, which help me organize my time every day, in order not to stop moving, which is my favorite hobby. Organizing life’s priorities, with your hobby, will help you accomplish a lot. I hope you have benefited, and I will meet you in Another blog post, God willing.

  • Transform Long Hair with a Unique Coloring Technique for Anime

    Transform your long hair with a unique coloring technique for an anime-inspired look. Learn how to add depth, shine, and gradient to your hair coloring! First and foremost, we mark in red the place where we will distribute the shading. This way the work will be easier for us. “We will dispense with these lines later.” The next step is to use the pen tool and start drawing, from bottom to top, in the form of lines, using the red lines that guide us, in order to color long hair. We repeat the same process, from the top, and walk and plan from the top to the bottom This is an illustrative image, showing you the method I follow, especially with regard to shading in the middle of the hair, as we draw from top to bottom, and from the other side, we go in the opposite direction, to obtain this result. Look carefully at the difference between picture 1 and picture 2, and the green lines We must walk in waves. Shading cannot walk straight on the hair, as this is unnatural Look at the picture, how the coloring goes sometimes up and down, giving a natural look Now, we add a darker shadow than before, but less frequently, and only in specific places, using the Pen Tool. We color at the ends of the hair Here we have reached the stage of adding shine to the hair, which is the same as the previous method that I explained in this lesson, but we choose a lighter color, and we color above the hair color and not in the dark areas. This is an optional stage, as we choose the eraser tool, and erase some areas of hair shine. Notice the locations of the red arrows, how I indicated the areas that were erased. You can do this for shading too This is how the previous steps ended, and here is the result This is an optional step as well, but it adds more aesthetics to the painting, which is that we define the shading of the hair, then choose a darker color than the previous one, then using the air or soft brush tool specified in the picture, we color only the left side of the hair. This will give a beautiful gradient to the anime character's long hair Here is a clearer picture of everything we did previously, the color shades, and the hair strands This is the final result, after we added some sparkles and simple effects. I hope you like it, and we will meet, God willing, in future tutorials .

  • Manga shading tutorial : Achieve Flawless Shading in 3 ways

    Elevate your manga art with our easy-to-follow manga shading tutorial. Perfect your shading techniques and bring your characters to life! Manga shading tutorial : idea 1 We select the Pen tool from the list of tools on the left of the screen We determine the places to add shading to the manga, as shown in the picture, under the nose and lips, and at the chin After we select these areas, we choose shades of gray to shade, then fill them with the fill tool shown in the image. Manga shading tutorial : idea 2 One of the methods used in Japanese manga to add shading to manga is shading with tones. We start from the previous stage, after we have colored the required areas, we choose the option shown in the image, from the menu on the right of the screen, and do not forget to remain on the same shading layer. From the list of options, we choose the type of manga shading that we want, whether it is lines, dots, or other things. I have specified for you the place that allows you to modify. You can control the clarity of the “tones,” such as enlarging and reducing the lines and dots, and others. You can modify the shading type at any time later Manga shading tutorial : idea 3 Here we select the entire body of the character, using the Selection Tool, as you can see Then we add a new layer, and color it with the desired shading color. After that, we choose from the list of options the “Multi Play” option, which will convert the layer to a shading layer, and the rest of the details of the drawing will appear. Then, we drag the shading layer to the direction we want, as shown below The last thing we will do is to add a “mask” to it, and thus the shading of the manga character is ready, and identical to the drawing that we drew. Through the opacity option, you can adjust the intensity of the color, or soften it I hope that the explanation was light and pleasant for you today, and there will be more explanations, God willing. See you well.

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الصفحات (22)

  • Samarartblog | الرئيسية | مدونة سمرارت مدونة سمر ارت

    Get to know the site I am Samar, I love drawing, animation and composing manga stories, and I opened this blog since 2015 to share with you how to draw anime, manga, and make cartoons and anime. Read more Blog sections Anime animation Learn drawing Manga lessons My ideas Join our anime making team Join Us most read Toon Boom Harmony | Anime and cartoon design program 23 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 Breaking Barriers: Anime Making Beyond Japanese Boundaries My ideas 16 0 Post not marked as liked Design a game for parents that keeps you away from the internet My ideas 22 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 How To Make Your Own Anime Animation Anime animation 61 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 Tips for a daily routine to animate anime clips 0 Transform Long Hair with a Unique Coloring Technique for Anime 0 Manga shading tutorial : Achieve Flawless Shading in 3 ways 2 Mastering Motion Tween: Creating Dynamic Animations with Just Two Drawings 15 Top Software I Use for Creating Stunning Anime Artworks 19 How to Create a Stunning Manga Character on a Beautiful Background 7 Creating Stunning 3D Anime Backgrounds Using CSP Assets 24 Mastering The Art Of Anime Hair Coloring: My Personal Technique 15 How to Animate a Walking Anime Character Using Animation Bones: A Comprehensive Guide 12 Webtoon Design: A Step-by-Step Explanation with Pictures 19 Anime Of My Own With Toon Boom 13 Get To Know Anime Animation Software Toon Boom 14 Animate Walking People Without fbf | Toon Boom Harmony 9 First Steps To Enter Animation Industry From Home 7 How To Color Anime Animation Background From 3D Model 17 Arabic Police Anime And The Steps Of Making It 7 Free Website To Make Anime Background for Phone & PC 19 Animate Clothing ِ Accessories In ToonBoom Without FBF Animation 14 1 2 3 4 5

  • سمرارت samarart| مانجا العرب | مانجا تيلز | صفوان مدونة سمر ارت

    Safwan Colorful manga Adventures 5+ Finished 20+ Samar Category : Number of seasons: Status : number of pages : fees : the story : The story talks about Safwan, who always gets into trouble because of his recklessness at one time, and his neighbor at other times,

  • انضم لأكبر موقع عربي مخصصّ لتعليم رسم الانمي و انشر دروسك مدونة سمر ارت

    انضم لأوّل موقع عربي لتعليم الرّسم هل أنت شخص مبدع في مجالك؟ لماذا لا تشارك الجمهور خبرتك ، وتكتب الدّروس و الشّروح في الموقع، ليراها الكثير من المبدعين العرب ، سواء الرّسم الورقيّ أو الرّقمي أو كتابة قصصّ المانجا و رسم الانمي و التّحريك و غيرها، فقط إملأ هذا النّموذج ، ليتم تعييّنك كمعلّم في موقعنا. الانضمام الاسم الأخير الاسم الأول العمر البريد الإلكتروني كم درساً يمكنك كتابته في الشّهر؟ درسين أربع دروس ستّة دروس انضم هدفنا أن نصبح أكبر وأهم موقع عربي لتعليم رسم الأنمي والمانغا وكذلك تعليم التّحريك. نريد أن نوفر منصة للفنانين العرب لعرض مواهبهم وإبداعاتهم في مجال رسم الانمي و المانجا. ينصب تركيزنا على تعليم أساسيات الرّسم، بما في ذلك الرّسم الرّقميّ و رسم الخطوط والتّكوين والظّل والضّوء وأساسيات التّلوين. ومن خلال توفير برامج تعليميّة شاملة وسهّلة الوصول، نأمل في إلهام وتمكين جيل جديد من الفنانين العرب لمتابعة شغفهم بالأنمي والمانجا. أحد أهدافنا الرّئيسية هو تعليم الفنانين الشّباب مهارات وأساسيات الرّسم بطرق مبسّطة. نريد توفير مساحة حيث يمكن للّمبتدئين التعلم من الفنّانين ذوي الخبرة وتطوير قدراتهم الفنيّة. يضم فريقنا فنانين عرب موهوبين ومتحمّسين لكتابة الدّروس ومشاركة معارفهم مع الآخرين. الانضمام إلى أهم موقع عربي مخصصّ لتعليم رسم الأنمي ومشاركة دروسك له فوائد عديدة. ومن أهم المزايا هي فرصة الوصول إلى مجتمع تفاعلي من عشاق وفناني الأنمي. باعتبارك فنانًا للّرسوم المتحركة، يمكنك مشاركة خبرتك ومعرفتك مع الآخرين الذيّن يشاركونك شغفك بهذا النّوع من الفن. من خلال التّفاعل مع المجتمع، يمكنك توسيع شبكتك وتعلّم تقنيات جديدة وتلقّي التّعليقات على عملك. يمكن لهذا المجتمع أن يوفر بيئة مشجعة لمساعدتك على النّمو والتّطور كفنان. فائدة أخرى للانضمام إلى الموقع ككّاتب و ناشر دروس، هي فرصة مشاركة معرفتك وخبرتك مع الآخرين. من خلال إنشاء الدّروس والبرامج التّعليمية ونشرها، يمكنك مساعدة الفنانين الطموحين أمثالك على تحسين مهاراتهم وتطوير أساليبهم الفريدة في مجال الانمي. يمكن أن تساعدك مشاركة خبرتك أيضًا في بناء سمعتك كخبير في مجالك، ممّا قد يؤدي إلى فرص وتعاونات جديدة. نحن نهدف إلى توفير منصّة شاملة للّفنانين العرب للّتعلم والنّمو في حرفتهم، والمساهمة في تطوير صناعة الرّسوم المتحركة والمانجا العربيّة. وفي الختام، يلتزم موقعنا بتوفير مساحة للّفنانين العرب للّتعلم و اكتساب الخبرة فيما يتعلّق بشغفهم برسم الأنمي والمانغا، وتعليم الرّسوم المتحركة. فريقنا من الفنانين الموهوبين مكرّس لمشاركة معارفهم ومهاراتهم مع الآخرين، ونحن نرحب بأيّ شخص مهتم بالانضمام إلى مجتمعنا. من خلال دروسنا ودوراتنا ومواردنا، نأمل في إلهام وتمكين جيل جديد من الفنانين العرب لتحقيق أحلامهم والمساهمة في تطوير صناعة الرسوم المتحركة والمانغا العربية المزدهرة.

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