It is a nice light anime of my creation, where the story revolves around a girl named Kamaria, who lives with her mother, younger brother and middle sister, always exposed to embarrassing and difficult situations in her daily life, strives to reach a goal that she does not know what it is, except that Comic situations never stop chasing her.
Download the software used from Here
Classification: Slice of Life, Comedy, Shoujo
Duration of the episode: one to two minutes
Number of episodes: unknown
Animation Program: Toon Boom Harmony
Backgrounds: Pint Studio clip
Adjustment: Filmora
Audio: Audacity
Tablet: One by Wacom
Episode 1 aired on September 21, 2020, every two weeks it will download one.
My dream was to design my own anime, and I preferred to start with something light, such as a short series, before I get into the heavy, and my goal of this anime is to test my abilities to continue moving, within a certain period of time, because recently I have been lazy About completing a lot of animations, out of boredom.
This is an appropriate opportunity for me to commit to what I love more seriously without "laziness" and laziness, especially since it may be a major breakthrough for the future, related to the production of more complex anime in terms of story and animation.
I hope the audience loves it, because one episode requires considerable effort, although I made it easy for me to design the character, but that does not prevent the animation from remaining very tired, and amusing as well.